Roles and missions

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Roles and missions
The functions and specializations of the chambers

Roles and missions of the Chamber according to the latest amendment (the 2013 Law)

Representative Advisory Support and promotion

Representing and defending general interests of professionals in its territorial jurisdiction;
Contributing to development of strategic plans related to its activities with public authorities at the national, regional, provincial or local level;
Contributing in the works of the executive boards of public institutions working in the sectors they represent and the executive boards of agencies that manage the public equipment and facilities in its territorial jurisdiction, mainly wholesale markets, bus stations, slaughterhouses, ports, airports, trade fairs, cold stores, urban transport agencies, local water and electricity distribution agencies, university council, regional education and training academies councils, public vocational training institutions, and all public institutions and businesses;
Acting as an intermediary between Moroccan professionals and their foreign counterparts, international and national organizations working in the fields related to their missions and roles;


1-Providing guidance to the Government regarding:

Draft legislations and regulations texts on professional sectors they represent;
Solutions to problems related to professional practices;
Measures aimed at regulating working conditions;
Public works and works to be carried out within its territorial jurisdiction, and revenue collection, taxes or expenditures related to these works;
Creation of general warehouses and state rooms for auctions of wholesale goods;
All issues regarding the Sectors of commerce, industry and services, mainly customs procedure, legislation and regulation related to commercial, industrial and service activities;
All measures aimed at facilitating the administrative procedures relating to businesses.

2- Development of plans and strategic choices related to commerce, industry and services activities with public authorities at regional and national level:

Pricing of transportation services granted to the Chamber within its territorial jurisdiction;
Developing urban plans, urban master plans, as well as urban and rural development plans, and contributing to the development of business plans;
Creation of industrial and commercial zones and foreign trade zones;
Identifying product and service pricing;
Organizing trade fairs within its territorial jurisdiction;
Managing issues related to commerce, industry and services in its territorial jurisdiction, especially general stores, warehouses, auction houses, packaging offices, temporary and permanent exhibitions, business and industrial museums, commodity exchanges and trade center;
Creation of markets and commercial centers;
Tracking its proposals and submitting petitions related to the sectors they represent;
Constitute commercial arbitration centers; Creating information and economic documentation centers; Organize approved accounting centers to help professionals, industrial, commercial and service businesses, cooperatives and professional associations improve management of their activities; Creating services that foster investment and promote local and national economy;  Building partnerships with regional investment centers and academic institutions to promote investment, employment and scientific research at national and regional level; Disseminating scientific, technical and economic information in their field of work; Contributing to the business and professional development of its adherents within its territorial jurisdiction; Provide to the expansion of business relations of Morocco through twinning projects and exchange of experiences; Contributing to the extension of modern methods of work and developing production and marketing techniques for its members; Donate to environmental protection and sustainable development; Creating, supervising and tracking of economic map; Supporting vocational training, continuous training, and business levelling; Conducting of economic and social studies of the sectors it represents; Concluding partnership agreements with competent institutions regarding medical care, social housing and insurance for the its members. In addition to the above-mentioned missions, the chamber is entitled to issue documents required by companies, traders and service providers for use inside and outside Morocco, mainly certificates of origin of exported goods, as well as business cards.

The Chamber may also manage or create its territorial jurisdiction, providing approval of competent government bodies:

Public interest groups, particularly training or rehabilitation institutions; Vocational training institutions specialized in the development of the sectors it represents; Exhibition halls; Business and trade centers; Facilities, industrial areas and business incubators related to the sectors its represents; Vocational training or higher education Institutes;