Orientaciones estratégicas

The strategic plans for the Chamber’s work stems from legal and regulatory references, as well as the adoption of an updated methodology and method to benefit from the achievements and accumulations in this field.

Reference :Legal and Regulatory.
Methodology: Poles and projects
Method: اAnalytics and Participation

Based on the vision, mission and goals that the Chamber concluded after organizing strategic planning workshops and after the adoption of their conclusions by the General Assembly in 2017, and on the other hand, by reshaping the strategic goals and special goals in accordance with the main themes of the contractual program for the period 2018-2021 that was approved in 2018, the Chamber has An approach has been adopted that clearly distinguishes between the ends and the means and gives great importance to the personal, basic and professional roles of the rooms, according to the visualization below.

The most important axes of the strategic plan for the period 2015-2021:
Administration and Governance.
Support and aid.
Structured economic projects.
Promoting economic dynamics.
The overall strategic goal
Rehabilitation of the Chamber as a major economic actor at the level of the entity.
Own strategic goals
Advanced and effective administrative structures.
Involvement and positive influence in regional and national development files.
Leading and implementing exemplary projects at the national level.
Support and keep up with selective and effective members.
Strategic plans of the Chamber

Chamber's work program for the year 2021

The Chamber’s work program stems from legal and organizational references that depend mainly on the Chambers’ Basic Law, the strategic plan, the contractual program that extends until 2021, in addition to the various recommendations issued by the meetings of the administrative structures and the studies carried out by the Chamber

  • Fortalecer la economía regional mediante:
  • Apoyar, informar y sensibilizar a nuestros afiliados sobre la protección del medio ambiente y el desarrollo sostenible.
  • Seguimiento de los afiliados en su formación
  • Mejorar el entorno comercial de las empresas, desarrollando el capital y apoyando la creación y el desarrollo de zonas industriales.
  • Establecer relaciones de cooperación y asociación con diferentes estructuras para promover la inversión, la economía regional y la investigación científica.
Objetivo estratégico general:

La Cámara es un actor económico de primer orden en entidad.

Objetivos estratégicos especiales:

Objetivo estratégico I: Buena representación de los profesionales
Objetivo estratégico II: Desarrollar la capacidad de los profesionales
Objetivo estratégico 3: Reforzar el posicionamiento del empresariado regional y mejorar el atractivo de la entidad
Objetivo estratégico IV: Una institución eficiente y sostenible
Objetivo estratégico 5: Una Cámara digital sofisticada y abierta a su entorno.

Ejes estratégicos del trabajo de la Cámara

– Representation and consultation
– Support and promotion
– Cooperation and partnerships


Pilares principales

Gestión y gobernanza
Sistema de comunicación e información